Letter Names: stop on words that showcase letter names.  



listen: Letter Name
listen: Letter Name
n a m e


listen: Letter Name
b a b y


Listen: Letter Name
L a c y


Listen: Letter Name
d a d d y


Listen: Letter Name
e a t


Listen: Letter Name
l e f t


Listen: Letter Name
g e n i e




Silent Letters: stop on words that reveal the ways letters can be silent.   




listen: Silent
Listen: Silent
a r m


Listen: Silent
c o m b


Listen: Silent
d u c k


Listen: Silent
b r i d g e


Listen: Silent
a x e


Listen: Silent
w a f f l e


Listen: Silent
l i g h t




Common Sounds: stop on words that instruct about letters’ most common sounds.  

listen: Common
Listen: Common
a n g e l


Listen: Common
b a k e


Listen: Common
c a k e


Listen: Common
d i a l


Listen: Common
e a t


Listen: Common
f u n n y


Listen: Common
g r o w



Schwas: stop on words that clarify how vowels can make the “uh” sound.  




listen: Schwa
Listen: Schwa
a w a y
Listen: Schwa
i t e m
Listen: Schwa
p o s s i b l y
Listen: Schwa
l o v e
Listen: Schwa
v i n y l

Exceptions: stop on words that show how letters in our language can have exception sounds.   




listen: Multiple PQ Types
Listen: Dropped Exception
e i g h t
Listen: Dropped Exception
c o o k
Listen: Dropped Exception
G e o r g e
Listen: Dropped Exception
o n i o n
Listen: Raised Exception
b l u e
Listen: Dropped Exception
s y n o n y m

Blends: stop on words containing two or more letters that blend their sounds into a unique sound.    *
listen: Blended
Listen: Blended
c h e r r y
Listen: Blended
b e a r
Listen: Blended
m o r e
Listen: Blended
w e i r d
Listen: Blended
e a t i n g

COMBINES: stop on words containing two or more letters that group together to represent phonemes not otherwise heard in them.    *
listen: Combined
Listen: Combined
t h e m
Listen: Combined
p e a c h
Listen: Combined
p h o n e
Listen: Combined
c o u g h
Listen: Combined
m o t i o n
Listen: Combined
t o y
Listen: Combined
a n c i e n t

And many others including the various ambiguous ways the letter r can be used to spell sounds like motor and sports, mirror and girl, cherry and picker, pour and our