Help us improve the Magic Ladder and help us keep it free to all students and teachers.
Here are some ways YOU can help:
#1 DONATE: We are committed to providing the basic components of the Magic Ladder for free to public schools, non-profit organizations, and families. Our capacity to keep this commitment depends largely on donations from people like you.
#2 SHOP ON AMAZON: Turn your Amazon shopping into support for Learning Stewards and help us help children, parents, and educators! Same Amazon products, same prices, no additional cost or trouble. Click here to learn more or to go straight to AmazonSmile by clicking the following image:
Special Note for Amazon phone app users: Once you have set us as your charity of choice open your phone’s Amazon App find ’Settings’ in the main menu (☰). Tap on ‘AmazonSmile’ and follow the on-screen instructions to turn on AmazonSmile on your phone.
#3 FEEDBACK: Let us know what you think, what you like, and what we can do to make the Magic Ladder better. Your feedback is extremely important to us! Please share your suggestions and criticisms and help us learn to improve our work.
Feedback is the default mode for the Advanced settings window of the Help / Settings dialog box. To share feedback please select the emoticon that best represents your thoughts or feelings about the page you were viewing, enter your comments where indicated, and press “send”.
You can also send us emails and ask us questions through the same window in the Help / Settings dialog box by clicking the “Email Us” button (which you can also click here:
#4 SHARE US: Use the social media buttons found at the bottom of each page and share our pages with your social network. Share the Magic Ladder with your local schools and the education reporter of your local newspaper.
#5 RECRUIT AUTHORS: Tell your favorite authors about the Magic Ladder and let them know we want to publish excerpts of their books! (Share this link with them)
There won’t be much progress in education until we change this: