Snake On The Loose
      Episode Four: Snake Food?

“Move fast Joe. Go after him!” Lucy was getting up to follow her brother. She crawled over her parents’ bed. She jumped, onto the floor, running. Lucy poked her head around the bedroom door. And she couldn’t believe what she was seeing.

Pete, was almost at the top of the stairs. And Joe was diving towards the snake. “Ouch!” he yelled. He hit the wood floor hard. He slid a few inches. His hand was reaching for Pete. But he couldn’t grab him.

Lucy leapt over Joe. She went after Pete herself. But it was too late. The brother and sister looked at each other. They knew they were in trouble. Pete the snake was able to go down stairs, after all.

They watched, in anger. Pete wiggled down towards the first floor. It wasn’t pretty, how he did it. But he WAS, going to make it down. They heard, “Clump, clump, clump.” He finally landed at the bottom. He went around the corner. They couldn’t see him anymore. 

Lucy said, “Well, you both looked pretty goofy there. Joe, it was cool, the way you dove after him. That was a nice try. But you were not graceful at all. You looked like a baby deer, trying to walk. You’ve seen how they just keep falling down.”

Listen carefully to the word and click every letter that says its HIGHER EXCEPTION sound:

W a s
S t a i r s
T o w a r d s
T o o
G o o f y
C o o l
N i c e
T r y i n g
W a s
S t a i r s
T o w a r d s
T o o
G o o f y
C o o l
N i c e
T r y i n g

Then, she looked downstairs at their empty front hall. She yelled, “And Pete? You looked like a giant Gummy Snake. You were bouncing around all over the place. You sounded like Santa’s reindeer, running on the roof.”

 Both kids were silent for a minute. They were able to catch their breath. Joe said to Lucy, “Hey, you know what? It’s too bad that Pete’s not, a mouse.”


Listen carefully to the word and click every letter that says its LOWER EXCEPTION sound:

L o o k e d
G i a n t
R e i n d e e r
H e y
C o u l d
L o o k e d
G i a n t
R e i n d e e r
H e y
C o u l d

Lucy answered him. “Why in the world would you think that?”

“Well, we could put some cheese out. Mice love cheese. Put some out, and they’re easy to catch in a trap. Can you think of any kinds of food that Pete would like?”

“Let’s see. How about a lettuce, and onion salad? With some celery and bacon bits? A glass of orange juice? And maybe some blueberry pie, with vanilla ice, cream?”

“Very funny.”

“Well, that was pretty stupid. You can’t trap a snake with something to eat. Come on Joe. It’s time to get serious again. What’s the plan now?”

Of course, you’re right. We’ve got to catch Pete, quickly. It’s no mystery what we need to try next. We’ll have to …”

And then, Joe’s cell phone, rang.


1) How did Pete get away when Joe tried to grab him? 
  Pete crawled down the stairs. 
  Pete crawled back into the bedroom. 
  Pete crawled out the window. 


2) Lucy thought Pete looked … 

  like a giant gummy snake. 
  like Santa’s reindeer. 
  like the Easter Bunny. 

3) What idea did Joe come up with to catch Pete? 
  Put out a snake trap. 
  Grab Pete by the tail as he slithered away. 
  Figure out something that Pete would like to eat.