The Hawk-Devil

Episode Four: The Trap

We talked with our dear squirrel friends. We learned some more things about them. A Hawk-Devil was bad for Squirrels too! They, also wanted to fight off the Hawk. 

We turned two giant squirrel nests into our forts. They moved all of their acorns there. One fort would have many squirrels in it. The other would play a big trick on the Hawk.

They filled the second nest full of acorns. There were enough to feed a city of squirrels! And they made a door at the bottom of it. The door was made to open, super fast. Then the acorns would fall out of the bottom hole.


multiple: Dropped Exception
listen: Dropped Exception
G i a n t
listen: Dropped Exception
W o u l d

look: Dropped Exception
G i a n t
look: Dropped Exception
W o u l d


We needed to keep the hawk near each of those forts. All the Jays would be in the branches, right there. Or they would fly, only right around there. All the Jays said they would obey this plan.


multiple: Raised Exception
listen: Raised Exception
T o
listen: Raised Exception
J a y s
listen: Raised Exception
B r a n c h e s
listen: Raised Exception
F l y
look: Raised Exception
T o
look: Raised Exception
J a y s
look: Raised Exception
B r a n c h e s
look: Raised Exception
F l y

And the plan was brilliant. If you looked at the nests, nothing seemed strange. There would just be a large group of Jays there. Nothing more.

Everything was now ready. The Jay and squirrel leaders gave a last speech. “The Hawk-Devil could come the next day. Or it might be weeks. We have to be ready, every single minute!”

“The Hawk-Devil is not a myth. He is real, and he is dangerous. We must be very serious about this. We have all worked very hard to protect ourselves. Let’s make this beast leave our woods, without any of us getting hurt!”



1) What did the squirrels and Jays use for forts?  
  a) an old house
  b) a squirrel nest
) bird’s nests

2) What was the second nest full of? 

  a) acorns

  b) eggs
  c) jelly beans

3) Why did the Jays and squirrels have to be ready every minute of every day?  
  a) To gather food for the winter
  b) It was almost Christmas
They did not know when the Hawk – Devil would come.
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