Imagine a voice in your mind that speaks the words that you are reading without any effort from you at all.
That’s what reading will be like for you, once your brain learns to read better.
Once your brain learns to read well, reading words will be as easy for you as listening to them. Once your brain learns to read well, you will be able to read anything you want to, easily. Once your brain learns to read well, you will be able to learn anything you want to learn.
Doing well in school, work, and life, depends on being able to read. Soon you will be reading well and you will have many more opportunities.
Now, let’s take turns reading. Click on the green speaker button and then, when the reading stops on a red blinking word, click the word:
If learning to read has been difficult for you, it is not your fault. You didn’t do anything wrong. You are smart enough to learn to read. Probably, the difficulty you experience is because your brain learned to guess at words instead of working to recognize them! Many young brains learn to guess at words that are too confusing to recognize. Your brain probably just needs a different way to learn to read. That’s what you are learning now.
If you will focus your mind on learning to read, this tool will help you! Just remember to never guess a word. Instead, always click on every word you don’t recognize. Just click on each word you don’t recognize and keep clicking on the word in the blue box until you do. If after the 1st click or two you recognize the word, just click anywhere outside the blue box and it will go away. Once you learn the 3 steps of using OLSN to help you, reading will become much easier. Just remember:
“A” – Click on every word you don’t recognize.
“B” – Try and read the word in OLSN‘s box. If you can’t, click it!
“C” – Repeat step “B” until you recognize the word.
Now, slow down and try to read on your own.
Be proud of yourself! Feel good about your progress! You are reading much better.
Reading words will soon be as easy for you as listening to them.
Everything about your future will be better as you learn to read better.
1. Once your brain learns to read well, you will be able to read:
a) with no effort from you at all,
b) but it will still be very difficult,
c) but sometimes it will be hard and sometimes it will be easy
2. Once your brain learns to read well:
a) reading words will be as easy as listening to them,
b) you will be able to read anything you want,
c) you will be able to learn anything you want to learn,
d) all of the above
3. Doing well in school, work, and life depends on:
a) going to school every day,
b) being able to read,
c) getting a job
4. One reason you had difficulty learning to read could be that:
a) your brain didn’t work right when you were younger
b) your brain learned to guess at words instead of working to recognize them
c) your brain just didn’t like books.
5. If you do not recognize a word on these pages:
a) make your best guess,
b) skip it and go on to the next word,
c) always click on the word you do not recognize.