Snake On The Loose
            Episode 3: Fifty Bucks

 Joe said, “Okay Lucy. We’ve looked at every crack and corner. We’ve been really thorough. There is no Pete the snake, here in the bathroom.”

 Lucy said, “Let’s slither on into the bedroom then.”

Very funny,” replied Joe.

The two kids entered their parents’ bedroom. Lucy closed the bathroom door tight. Then she asked, “Where would a snake hide?”

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V e r y
listen: Blended
T h e i r

listen: Blended
D o o r
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W h e r e
look: Blended
V e r y
look: Blended
T h e i r

look: Blended
D o o r
look: Blended
W h e r e

   Joe said, “That’s a smart question. I bet he’s behind or under something.”

 Lucy replied, “Like a sweater box under the bed? That’s where the best monsters can be found. They’re under the kid’s bed, all the time.”

 “Or behind the curtains. Likely somewhere in the long shadows.”

multiple: Stretch
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Q u e s t i o n

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L o n g
listen: Stretch
Q u i c k l y

look: Stretch
L o n g
look: Stretch
Q u i c k l y
look: Stretch
O f f
It was only a week until Halloween. Lucy was in the trick or treat spirit. In her scariest voice she said, “Covered by the long shadows of the pyramid, the snake hunters didn’t know that the mummy was just behind them, and would quickly jump out at them.”

“You’re making me nervous, Lucy. So, you get to look under the bed, not me. But first, let’s check out any area that’s open.” Joe walked around the room. He looked under the desk and beneath each chair. No sign of Pete. “Lucy, can you check under the dresser?”

Lucy laid down on the floor. After a couple of seconds, she said, “Nothing. But wait a minute. There is, something under here.” She stretched her arm back to the wall. “Whoa!”

 Joe asked, “What did you find?”

 Lucy answered,”Cool. It’s a fifty dollar bill. Hot dog! Finders keepers, losers weepers. I’m rich!”

 Joe yelled, “No way! That is not, YOUR , fifty bucks.”

 Lucy whined, “Not fair. I found it.”

 Joe said, “Lucy. Look at yourself in the mirror. Don’t you care about being honest? You didn’t, earn it. You didn’t work for it. You didn’t get it as a gift. In my friend Tom’s family, if they ever find money, like in a parking lot, they give it to charity. That is Mom’s and Dad’s fifty bucks.”

 Lucy pouted, “I bet they don’t even know that it’s lost. They’ll never miss it.”

 Joe stayed firm. “Lucy. That’s just purely crazy. It’s theirs, not yours, period.”

 Lucy finally gave up. “Oh, all right. Here. Give it to them.”

 Joe said, “I’ll hold on to it. But we’ll both give it to them. That way you’ll never accuse me of keeping it for myself.”

 Lucy said, “Okay. Now I’m sad. Let’s get back to the hunt, so that I can take my mind off of the money that was almost mine. Since you’re such a coward about the shadows, I’ll check under the bed.”

Lucy knelt down and lifted the bedspread. “I’ll pull out one single box at a time. He’s not behind this one. Not behind that, one. Oh, there you are, Pete, you little sneak.”

 Joe asked, “You see him?”

Then, without warning, Pete turned away from Lucy. The snake scooted out the other side of the bed. He went between Joe’s legs. Joe screamed, “Ha! You’re trapped, you creepy reptile.”

Joe was thinking about their good plan. The closed bedroom door would wall Pete in. But as Joe turned around, Lucy heard him yell, “Yikes! Lucy! I heard you slam the door when we came in here. But the door didn’t latch. Pete just got back out to the hallway. All he needed was a one-inch opening.”

Lucy responded, “Well, at least he’s stuck, upstairs. And now we have two rooms closed off.”

 Joe asked, “What do you mean, he’s stuck, upstairs?”

 Lucy replied, “Well, surely, snakes can’t go down, stair by stair, can, they? Uh-Oh!”



1) Where do the best monsters like to hide? 
  in  garbage cans 
  in the garage 
  under kid’s beds 


2) What did Lucy find under the dresser? 
  a ten dollar bill 
  a fifty dollar bill 

3) When Lucy found something under the dresser, at first she wanted to… 
  keep it 
  give it to Joe 
  give it to Mom and Dad 

4) Where did Lucy find Pete? 
  in the closet 
  under the bed 
  in a dresser drawer 


5) After Lucy found Pete under the dresser, Pete…  
  crawled back in his cage. 
  ate some bugs for lunch. 
  crawled out of the room before they could stop him. 

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