EPISODE TWO: That’s Crazy!   


  The orange cat had jumped onto the barking canine, having landed perfectly onto the beast’s neck! Its huge paws were holding on tightly to the dog’s collar.   

 Carlos exclaimed, “Wow! Did you see that acrobatic leap? What an awesome sight! I bet you we’ll never see anything quite like this again!”   

 Jayla answered, “Yeah, I’m absolutely amazed! This is totally crazy! Surely, that foolish cat isn’t going to get away with this!”   

 The two friends watched these theatrical proceedings, amazed. Their eyes were getting bigger and bigger, as they were immersed in this unreal scene. They just couldn’t believe it. Carlos asked, “What other cat, anywhere, would be able to do that?”   

 It was a chaotic display of wild energy, as the animals ran around and around the yard. They sped under trees, through the purple flowers, and into the driveway. It was somewhat like the two of them were witnessing an animal tornado! Carlos and Jayla weren’t exactly sure, but maybe this was, very strangely, the animals’ way of having their own bizarre kind of fun.   

multiple: Multiple PQ Types

listen: Schwa
W h a t
listen: Schwa
A m a z e d
listen: Schwa
A w a y
listen: Rotated R
W e r e
listen: Rotated R
U n d e r
listen: Rotated R
P u r p l e
look: Schwa
W h a t
look: Schwa
A m a z e d
look: Schwa
A w a y
look: Rotated R
W e r e
look: Rotated R
U n d e r
look: Rotated R
P u r p l e
1. How did the cat stay on the dog’s back?
   a) It held onto the dog’s collar
   b) It was good at balancing
   c) It dug its claws into the dog.

2. What happened after the cat landed on the dog?
   a) The dog sat.
   b) They ran around the yard like an “animal tornado.
   c) The cat quickly jumped off of the dog.


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