Snake On The Loose
Episode Two: The Plan

As soon as Joe made a move, Pete the snake, darted away. Lucy cried, “He’s heading toward the guest room. Come on!”

“Lucy, stop a second. We’ve got to have a plan.”

“A plan?”


multiple: Schwa
listen: Schwa
A w a y
listen: Schwa
C o m e
listen: Schwa
S e c o n d
listen: Schwa
A g a i n
listen: Schwa
D o n e
look: Schwa
A w a y
look: Schwa
C o m e
look: Schwa
S e c o n d
look: Schwa
A g a i n
look: Schwa
D o n e

“Yeah. No one is here to help us. It’s just you, me, and our trusty brains. You and I have to learn how to catch a snake.”

“You mean, think this through, first?”  

“Of course. Perfect. Not, ready, fire, aim. But, ready, aim, fire.”

“That makes good sense. All right then. You are the big brave older brother. What should we do?”

“Okay partner. Slowly but surely, we do a room-by-room search.”

multiple: Rotated R
listen: Rotated R
L e a r n
listen: Rotated R
F i r s t
listen: Rotated R
P e r f e c t
listen: Rotated R
P u r p l e

look: Rotated R
L e a r n
look: Rotated R
F i r s t
look: Rotated R
P e r f e c t
look: Rotated R
P u r p l e

  “Right. And when we go to each room, we shut all the doors. If he’s in that, room, he can’t get out again. Trapped!”

“Now you’re thinking better. Great job!”

“And when we’re done with a room, we shut the doors when we leave.”

“Yes. That way, the little sneaker can’t get back in, behind our backs. After a while, we’ll block off his escape routes.”

Just then, Lucy yelled. “Look. He’s going into Mom and Dad’s bedroom.”

“That’s not good news. Quick then. You know what to do, Lucy. Run on in, ahead of me.”

The kids ran to the adults’ bedroom. Lucy slammed the door behind her.

Joe barked out, “Bathroom first! Maybe he’ll try for the toilet.”

“Joe, Pete couldn’t climb up into the toilet.”

“Duh. Just kidding.” They slammed the purple bathroom door behind them.

Then Lucy said, “Maybe Pete’s in the tub, taking a bath.” They both started laughing. The chase was starting to become kind of fun.

Joe then called out, “Here, snakey snakey. We’re smarter than you are. We’re gonna come and get you!”

1) Why did Lucy and Joe shut the doors to the rooms when they went in? 
  So that Mom and Dad wouldn’t see them. 
  If Joe was in the room, he wouldn’t be able to get out again. 
  Because the house was cold and drafty. 

2) In order to catch the snake, Joe and Lucy decided to make a… 
  chocolate cake. 
  a bowl of snake food. 
  a plan. 

3) At first when Pete went into Mom and Dad’s room… 
  The kids still couldn’t find him. 
  He decided to take a bath. 
  He crawled into the toilet. 


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