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(click on example words in table or see instructional examples below table)

PCUE STYLE Function Examples
Bold Says its name ate, bee, deep, pea, car, tea, obedient
Normal common sound bat, can, it, run, sam, tip, top, credited
Gray No sound any, bone, light, itch, baby, expediency
Shrunken ‘uh’ (schwa) sound about, bagel, diet, April, color, oxygen
PCUE Style Function Examples
Rotated ‘r’ ‘er’ sound razor, liar, dirt, fire, burn, murderer, ogre
Raised Higher sounding boots, dancing, dry, of, mini, says, Xerox
Lowered Lower sounding books, cage, eight, onion, gym, hymnal
Stretched Longer/drawn out ball, doll, cough, quack, yarn, suave, yearly
PCUE Style Function Examples
Dotted Underline Blended Letters Harry, pyramid, length, learning, airplane
Solid Underline Combined Letters about, beach, phone, motion, stew, mirror




Letter Names: stop on words that showcase letter names.  



listen: Letter Name
listen: Letter Name
n a m e


listen: Letter Name
b a b y


Listen: Letter Name
L a c y


Listen: Letter Name
d a d d y


Listen: Letter Name
e a t


Listen: Letter Name
l e f t


Listen: Letter Name
g e n i e




Silent Letters: stop on words that reveal the ways letters can be silent.   




listen: Silent
Listen: Silent
a r m


Listen: Silent
c o m b


Listen: Silent
d u c k


Listen: Silent
b r i d g e


Listen: Silent
a x e


Listen: Silent
w a f f l e


Listen: Silent
l i g h t




Common Sounds: stop on words that instruct about letters’ most common sounds.  

listen: Common
Listen: Common
a n g e l


Listen: Common
b a k e


Listen: Common
c a k e


Listen: Common
d i a l


Listen: Common
e a t


Listen: Common
f u n n y


Listen: Common
g r o w



Schwas: stop on words that clarify how vowels can make the “uh” sound.  




listen: Schwa
Listen: Schwa
a w a y
Listen: Schwa
i t e m
Listen: Schwa
p o s s i b l y
Listen: Schwa
l o v e
Listen: Schwa
v i n y l

Exceptions: stop on words that show how letters in our language can have exception sounds.   




listen: Multiple PQ Types
Listen: Dropped Exception
e i g h t
Listen: Dropped Exception
c o o k
Listen: Dropped Exception
G e o r g e
Listen: Dropped Exception
o n i o n
Listen: Raised Exception
b l u e
Listen: Dropped Exception
s y n o n y m

Blends: stop on words containing two or more letters that blend their sounds into a unique sound.    *
listen: Blended
Listen: Blended
c h e r r y
Listen: Blended
b e a r
Listen: Blended
m o r e
Listen: Blended
w e i r d
Listen: Blended
e a t i n g

COMBINES: stop on words containing two or more letters that group together to represent phonemes not otherwise heard in them.    *
listen: Combined
Listen: Combined
t h e m
Listen: Combined
p e a c h
Listen: Combined
p h o n e
Listen: Combined
c o u g h
Listen: Combined
m o t i o n
Listen: Combined
t o y
Listen: Combined
a n c i e n t

And many others including the various ambiguous ways the letter r can be used to spell sounds like motor and sports, mirror and girl, cherry and picker, pour and our