Educators and Schools The Main Library
PQ Basics:
ABCs of PQs understand the types of PQs
PQs – AtoZ letter by letter examplesPQs Key types of PQs
PQs Logic and Design PrinciplesIntroduction to the PQ Pop-Up simple overviewUsing the PQs Pop-Up basic use of Pop-up
Using X-Ray Phonics / X-Ray ReadingPQ Chrome Extension how to install and use it
Learning to Use Magic Ladder Apps
Learning to use LetterBlocks tutorial
Learning to use LetterScope tutorialLearning to use WordScope tutorial
Learn about Phonemic GamesMyStuff share Docs and PDFs that open in Magic LadderCopy-Paste-PQ copy & paste content into Magic Ladder
Letter Blocks teach the letters and their simple soundsPhonemic Games phonemic awareness exercisesLetter Scope Light (Prek-1) explore letters and sounds
LetterScope Full (2nd-up) explore letters and sounds
WordScope explore letters and sounds in words
Holly’s Beginning Dolch Words explore PQs in Dolch words
Why English Is So Hard (and how to make it easier to read without changing it)
Parents Introduction / GuideTeacher IntroductionPre-K TeachersK-12 Teacher GuideChrome Extension – PQ AppPop-Up Flow Chart with Ref PanelPQs Key & AtoZ GuidePQ Key (4up) CardsChildren of the Code – Key Points
Learning Stewards – Key Points
Interactive OrthographyThe Hechinger Report: Magic LadderParadigm Inertia in Reading Science and Policy (Parts 1,2,3)
The #1 Cause of Low Literacy in America (Language Magazine)
Early Childhood Education: The Obstacle Course Wall
No More Instructional Confusion, Guessing or Mind-Shame
Adult Literacy: Overcoming Self-Sabotaging HabitsAdditional Resources:
What is Reading – The Brain’s Challenge – Reading Shame – Reading In The Brain – Oral Language and Reading Comprehension – Children of the Code
Instructions:- Click arrows to turn book's pages, return to home page, or return to the book's TOC (where applicable). - Click individual words (and keep clicking them) for help learning to them. - Click speaker buttons (where applicable) to hear words or passages read. - Click "Listen and X-Ray Read" (where applicable) to see learning cues while hearing passages read.Optional: Click Settings button to change voice and reading speed.